A Wilder Party is all about helping you create an extra special, unique event. My services are varied and vast. Whether you need an hour of my time or it takes ten, whatever help you feel you need, I will cater my services to YOU.

You’re probably asking yourself, “do I really need help”…and the answer is YES.  You’ll be surprised at how much help you actually need in tackling all of those details. We all need help from time to time and planning an event, whether you have 25 or 250 guests, is just not the same as having a few people over for dinner.

Here’s a sampling of some of the services I offer:

  • Ideas... Are you looking to do something a little different? I have a unique set of ideas that you may be interested in and a whole other world of contacts who can help achieve this.

  • Contacts… I can introduce you to people who can help you with invitations, venue, catering, décor, flowers, make-up and many other services.

  • An extra set of hands... I make myself available to help with all the running around and if you need me to come to appointments with you, well that would be my pleasure too.

  • A personal touch… I can help you make simcha baskets, plan your décor, investigate interesting and creative options to make your event truly unique.

  • A personal shopper… those give-a-ways can be a nightmare and to shop within a budget…well that can be a stress as well. I am happy to do it for you, and I am happy to extend my discounts to you!

It’s all about time. If you don’t have enough, I can lend you some of mine. My rates are reasonable and very cost effective. Visit the contact page to contact me and set up an initial consultation.


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